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Alden Bates' Weblog

Feigning normality since 1973 team "restructured"

Filed in: TV & Movies.

Via gdwessel:
Goodbye from the STARTREK.COM Team

Sadly, we must report that CBS Interactive organization is being restructured, and the production team that brings you the STARTREK.COM site has been eliminated. Effective immediately.

We don't know the ultimate fate of this site, which has served millions of Star Trek fans for the last thirteen years.

Thank you for your loyal fandom over the years. It has been a pleasure to serve you.

Wow. That really sucks. As Geoff points out, it's not like Star Trek is doing badly, being that they have a movie in the works and all. Why are they getting rid of the website team now?

Posted December 17, 2007 7:23 PM

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